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How do I register?That’s easy…on race day go to the Registration tent. Fill out an registration form and take it to the registration table.
What you getTwo Tacos A Beer Crafted Medal Cool Designed T-shirt (not on Race day registration) Chip Timing (optional) Entertainment on the course Tacos & Beer Festival: BAJA Beer Garden Live Mariachi Music Live bands & DJs Costume Contest Fiesta Tacos & Beer 5k Awards AMIGOS & AMIGAS
Race InformationThe Race will start at 8 am promptly. Participants should begin lining up for the 5k as soon as 7:30 am. Place yourself according to your pace--fast runners at the start of the chute, to slower runners to walkers and strollers at back. At the finish line you will receive your Tacos & Beer 5k medal. Then go to the beer line or taco line to receive your Tacos and Beer rewards.
Race Day ParkingParking for the Tacos & Beer 5k is $6 per car. However, some parking areas are free--check with the parking area map. Park will open at 6 am. Please allow yourself plenty of time to get into the park and pick up your race packet before the start at 8 am.
The FestivalFESTIVAL GAMES Top winners of each game will receive game medals Hoola Hoop Open to all ages Top 3 will receive game medals Tug-o-War Top winners are 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place Teams Categories: Men's Division: 8 Teams (7 per Team) Women's Division: 8 Teams (7 per Team) Co-ed Division: 8 Teams (7 per Team at least 3 females per team) Pass the Tacos--a musical game 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners get medals. Rules: Taco In Hand, Music stops, You're out! Costume Contest Party Individual Awards to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. Best Team Costume gets a plaque award Most Creative Team Name to qualify your team name must be registered with at least 7 members Largest Team to qualify, your team must be registered with at least 10 members Pinata Breaking Party racers spin around and bash open a pinata filled with surprises--not all venues would have this event. ​
AwardsRACE AWARDS: to the top three overall Male and Female Finishers--based on chip timining results. ​​​​​​​ FUN COMPETITION Awards Traditional Costume: Team and Individual competition. Most Creative Team Name Largest Team (most members registered) Your race bib must be visible on the costume.
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Where do I get my Tacos and Beer?Inside the Festival look for a Tacos tent to pick up your tacos. Salsa would be under a tent a few feet from the Tacos tent. For beer pick up, look for the the beer tent. You have two tickets one for tacos and one for beer.
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